Wmi Query Domain Name
First of all you can check if your WMI query is right inside the WMI Explorer. The WMI namespaces and classes can be custom classes as well for custom hardware inventory.
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How to query WMI with WQL.

Wmi query domain name. Wmic path win32_groupuser where groupcomponentwin32_groupnamedomain adminsdomainYOURDOMAINHERE--- List All Computers ---wmic NAMESPACErootdirectoryldap PATH ds_computer GET ds_samaccountname. Select from SMS_R_System where LOWERSMS_R_SystemSystemOUName domainlocalOUOU Collection based on domain membership. ObjComputerName WscriptEcho Domain.
At its most basic this cmdlet can query information from a local computer. Return name for the computer and if the name contains RH then it will return the name and get the group policy applied if not then nothing happens and the group policy is skipped. Credential The CIM session was stored in a variable named CimSession.
Add your WMI Query Select name from Win32_ComputerSystem WHERE name LIKE RH This will basically select all computers that are named RH. For Each objComputer in colSettings WscriptEcho System Name. It is all server side.
Sometimes its useful to know the computer name and domain you are working on. CimSession New-CimSession -ComputerName dc01 -Credential Get-Credential cmdlet Get-Credential at command pipeline position 1 Supply values for the following parameters. I have seen in a previous customers environment while reviewing status messages that several model machines were failing domain joins bc the driver packs were not being installed due to bad wmi queries.
GPO intends you to use security group filterin gin this case. Replace domainlocalOUOU with your own domain name and OU that you need a collection of. SCCM can fetch the details from any available WMI classes.
The WMI filters use a query to scope down the Group Policy Object applicability. Replace domain with the NETBIOS name of your domain. Get-WmiObject -Query SELECT FROM Win32_UserAccount Where LocalAccount true Format-Table Caption Domain Name PasswordChangeable PasswordRequired Disabled Ive been using this WMI query both in PowerShell scripts that need to support PowerShell 20 Windows 7 and in GPO WMI filtering when I apply GPO that only should execute if a given user exists.
If youd like to use WMI to query a local computer name use Get-CimInstance to query the Win32_ComputerSystem class as shown below. More than once I had to google for these commands because I just cant keep them in mind so I decided to write a quick post as a reminder. Configuration Manager admins need to know more about WMI explorer.
It you wqanted one qaspect of a computer like total memory 1Gb then you would have to use WMI filtering. WMI filtering is a way of fine tuning GP that is really a last ditch effort. Wmic NAMESPACErootdirectoryldap PATH ds_group where ds_samaccountnameDomain Admins Get ds_member Value.
Can I do a WMI query against the machine to determine what AD Domain it is in. If you wanted to return only the SID and nothing else place the command inside a set of parentheses and retrieve only the SID property. Then I use the CimSession instead of a computer name to query WMI on the remote computer.
There are thousands of classes and you probably dont know which class youd like to use yet. PS C wmiwin32_userAccountDomainnwtradersNametestusersid. 0 -f computername Domain.
And Id rather not do a long involved If-Then-Else searching the domains looking for a machine name. The class that is queried is the Win32_operatingsystem WMI class. Domain Controller Non-Domain Controller.
On Windows Vista and later the osArchitecture property will tell you if the installed operating system is 64 bit or 32 bit. Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystem Get-CimInstance -ClassName Win32_ComputerSystemName. We need to understand how to query the WMI for information in our automations.
WMI Explorer tool should be connected with administrative permissions to get the details of MDM bridge WMI provider. When querying WMI in Windows PowerShell in general one will be using the Get-WmiObject cmdlet. This is shown here of course you will need to replace the domain name and the user name for your environment.
Select from Win32_IP4RouteTable where Name like 192099 or Name like 192098. The following are my favorites. Since Get-CimInstance doesnt return the computer name but an object representing a CIM instance reference the Name property to only return the computer name.
If you havent used Windows Management Instrumentation WMI filters before they show up in Group Policy Management at the bottom between Group Policy Objects and Starter GPOs. Open WMI Explorer Actions Connect to hostnamespace Host. All youll need to know is the namespace probably rootcimv2 which is default and the WMI class where the information youre looking for is located.
In this WMI query guide we will explain the usage of WQL. Ultimately I need to get some AD information about the machine but I need to know which domain to query. ObjComputerDomain Next PowerShell computer Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_ComputerSystem System Name.
Make sure you always test query.
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